Investigator / Educator, Associate Professor

It is recognized that some individuals do not have a traditional clinical practice but do contribute substantially to education and research within their field of expertise.

  1. Service as Assistant Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of excellence in laboratory or clinical investigation and noteworthy contributions to teaching and/or administrative service. Appointment or promotion with less than five years in rank as Assistant Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement.
  2. Noteworthy contributions to investigation as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Ongoing generation of new knowledge as demonstrated by publication of original, high-quality laboratory or clinical investigations in peer-reviewed journals. Substantive contribution of major research ideas with identifiable independence from senior scientific mentors.
    2. Outside recognition as an original, independent investigator as demonstrated by external funding of investigator-initiated research projects, local and regional invited lectures, participation in symposia and professional society programs, formal awards and prizes, and election to scientific or professional societies.
    3. Leading role in a major research training program.
    4. Recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  3. Noteworthy contributions to teaching and/or administrative service as evidenced by most of the following:

    1. Ongoing recognition as an excellent teacher of students, residents, fellows, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by outstanding teacher awards and formal evaluations by trainees at all levels.
    2. Outside recognition of teaching excellence as demonstrated by local and regional invited lectures, and by teaching in symposia, professional society programs, and continuing medical education courses.
    3. Important role in a major teaching or training program.
    4. Leadership role in development of educational programs, curricular offerings, and teaching materials.
    5. Participation in the curriculum committee or other education-related committees.
    6. Participation in the development of educational policy at the local or national level.
    7. Recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.

    Administrative Service

    1. Service in major administrative roles at TUSM or affiliated hospital, e.g., Assistant Deans, Directors, etc.
    2. Service on major TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees, e.g., Curriculum Committee, IRB, Pharmacy and Therapeutics.
  4. Professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Membership in editorial boards and scientific or professional societies.
    2. Important role in research administration or hospital/health-care system.
    3. Publication of original investigations, clinical observations, reviews, chapters, or books, and membership in editorial boards.
    4. Participation in clinical trials and clinical investigation.
    5. Participation in local or regional research affairs through membership in professional societies and specialty governing boards.

Clinician Educator, Associate Professor

  1. Service as Assistant Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of excellence in education/teaching, administrative service and clinical service. Appointment or promotion with less than five years in rank as Assistant Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement.
  2. Noteworthy contributions to teaching as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Ongoing recognition as an excellent teacher of students, residents, fellows, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by outstanding teacher awards and formal evaluations by trainees at all levels.
    2. Outside recognition of teaching excellence as demonstrated by local and regional invited lectures, and by teaching in symposia, professional society programs, and continuing medical education courses.
    3. Important role in a major teaching or clinical training program.
    4. Leadership role in development of educational programs, curricular offerings, and teaching materials.
    5. Participation in the curriculum committee or other education-related committees.
    6. Participation in the development of educational policy at the local or national level.
    7. Recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  3. Administrative Service
    1. Service in major administrative roles, e.g., Assistant Deans for ….
    2. Service on major TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees, e.g.,Curriculum Committee, IRB, Pharmacy and Therapeutics
  4. Noteworthy contributions to clinical service as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Local and regional recognition by peers and patients as an excellent clinician and authority in the field.
    2. A wide local or regional referral base.
    3. Leadership role in development of clinical practice guidelines
    4. Development of clinical skills or programs that are locally or regionally distinctive.
  5. Professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Publication of original investigations, clinical observations, reviews, chapters, or books, and membership in editorial boards.
    2. Participation in clinical trials and clinical investigation.
    3. Important role in clinical department or hospital/health-care system.
    4. Participation in local or regional clinical affairs through membership in clinical societies and specialty governing boards.

Clinician Scholar, Associate Professor

Clinician scholars have a mix of the elements delineated below. The profiles of “hybrid” candidates,whilehaving many of the elements of the more circumscribed prototypes, may not have the samedegree of development of any particular element. When viewed in aggregate, however, the level ofachievement of these faculty will be on a par with the prototypes provided in tables 1 and 2 above.

  1. Service as Assistant Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of excellence in clinical investigation, education, administrative and clinical service. Appoint mentor promotion with less than five years in rank as Assistant Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement.
  2. Contributions to investigation as evidenced by the following:
    1. Ongoing generation of new knowledge as demonstrated by publication of clinical or perhaps laboratory or investigations in peer-reviewed journals. Substantial and definable contributions as a member of a research team will be considered.
    2. Outside recognition by local and regional invited lectures, participation in symposia and professional society programs, formal awards and prizes, and election to scientific or professional societies.
    3. A role in a major research training program.
    4. Recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees
    5. Record of regular involvement in funded research (co-investigator or principle investigator role).
  3. Noteworthy contributions to teaching as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Ongoing recognition as an excellent teacher of students, residents, fellows, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by outstanding teacher awards and formal evaluations by trainees at all levels.
    2. Outside recognition of teaching excellence as demonstrated by local and regional invited lectures, and by teaching in symposia, professional society programs, and continuing medical education courses.
    3. A role in a major teaching or clinical training program.
    4. Role in development of educational programs, curricular offerings, and teaching materials.
    5. Participation in the curriculum committee or other education-related committees.
    6. Participation in the development of educational policy at the local or national level.
    7. Recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  4. Noteworthy contributions to clinical service as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Local and regional recognition by peers and patients as an excellent clinician and authority in the field.
    2. A wide local or regional referral base.
    3. Development of clinical skills or programs those are locally or regionally distinctive/innovative.
    4. Leadership role in development of clinical practice guidelines
  5. Noteworthy contributions to administrative needs of the Medical School of an affiliated hospital as evidenced by:
    1. Service in major administrative roles, e.g., Assistant Deans, Assistant Program Directors.
    2. Service on major committees in TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees, e.g., Curriculum Committee, IRB, Pharmacy and Therapeutics.
  6. Professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Membership in editorial boards and scientific or professional societies.
    2. Important role in clinical department or hospital/health-care system.
    3. Important role in TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees.
    4. Participation in local or regional clinical affairs through membership in clinical societies and specialty governing boards.
    5. Publication of original investigations, clinical observations, reviews, chapters, or books, and membership in editorial boards.
    6. Participation in clinical trials and clinical investigation.
    7. Important role in clinical department or hospital/health-care system.
    8. Participation in local or regional clinical affairs through membership in clinical societies and specialty governing boards.

Clinician Investigator, Associate Professor

  1. Service as Assistant Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of excellence in laboratory or clinical investigation and noteworthy contributions to clinical service, administrative service and/ or teaching. Appointment or promotion with less than five years in rank as Assistant Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement.
  2. Noteworthy contributions to investigation as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Ongoing generation of new knowledge as demonstrated by publication of original, high-quality,laboratory or clinical investigations in peer-reviewed journals. Substantive contribution of major research ideas with identifiable independence from senior scientific mentors.
    2. Outside recognition as an original, independent investigator as demonstrated by external funding of investigator-initiated research projects, local and regional invited lectures, participation in symposia and professional society programs, formal awards and prizes, and election to scientific or professional societies.
    3. Leading role in a major research training program.
    4. Recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  3. Noteworthy contributions to clinical service, administrative service and/or teaching as evidenced by most of the following in at least one area:
    1. Clinical service
      1. Local and regional recognition by peers and patients as an excellent clinician and authority in the field.
      2. A wide local or regional referral base.
      3. Development of clinical skills or programs that are locally or regionally distinctive.
    2. Administrative Service
      1. Service in major administrative roles, e.g., Assistant Deans for ….
      2. Service on major TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees, e.g.,Curriculum Committee, IRB, Pharmacy and Therapeutics.
      3. Important role in TUSM,,….
    3. Teaching
      1. Ongoing recognition as an effective teacher of students, residents, fellows, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by formal evaluations by trainees at all levels.
      2. Outside recognition as an effective teacher as demonstrated by invited lectures, and by teaching in symposia, professional society programs, and continuing medical education courses.
      3. Substantive role in a major teaching or clinical training program.
  4. Professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Membership in editorial boards and scientific or professional societies.
    2. Important role in clinical department or hospital/health-care system.
    3. Participation in local or regional clinical affairs through membership in clinical societies and specialty governing boards.

Investigator / Educator, Professor

It is recognized that some individuals do not have a traditional clinical practice but do contribute substantially to education and research within their field of expertise.

  1. Service as Associate Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of outstanding performance in laboratory or clinical investigation and outstanding contributions to teaching and/or administrative service. Appointment or promotion with less than five years in rank as Associate Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement. This rank is reserved for distinguished members of the faculty in recognition of distinctive achievement.
  2. Outstanding contributions to investigation as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Exceptional record of generation of new knowledge as demonstrated by publication of original, outstanding, and innovative laboratory or clinical investigations in peer-reviewed journals.
    2. Leadership role in the creation of major and innovative research ideas.
    3. Outside recognition as an original, outstanding investigator of national/international stature as demonstrated by a strong record of external funding of investigator-initiated research projects, national/international invited lectures, leadership role in symposia and professional society programs, formal and prestigious awards and prizes, membership is study sections and advisorygroups, and election to prestigious scientific or professional societies.
    4. Significant role in a major research training program. Impact of research training may be recognized by the professional achievement and stature of former students and trainees.
    5. Well-recognized investigative role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  3. Outstanding contributions to teaching and/or administration as evidenced by most of the following:

    1. Ongoing recognition as an outstanding teacher of students, residents, fellows, post-docs, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by outstanding teacher awards, election to faculty AOA, and formal evaluations by trainees at all levels. Impact of teaching may also be recognized by the professional achievement and stature of former students and trainees.
    2. Outside recognition of teaching excellence as demonstrated by regional and national/international invited lectures, named lectureships and awards, visiting professorships, and by teaching in specialty societies and national continuing medical education courses.
    3. Leadership role in a major teaching or training program.
    4. Ongoing, leadership role in development and major participation in departmental or institutional courses or educational programs, curricular offerings, and original teaching materials.
    5. Leadership role in curriculum committee or other education-related committees.
    6. Leadership role in the development of educational policy at the local or national level.
    7. Well-recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.

    Administrative Service

    1. Leadership in major administrative roles, .e.g., Associate Dean for ….
    2. Leadership on major committees, e.g., Curriculum Committee, IRB, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Scientific Affairs Committee, etc.
  4. Advanced professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Membership in editorial boards and scientific or professional societies, and editorship of textbooks or journals.
    2. Publication of original investigations, clinical observations, reviews, chapters, or books.
    3. Leadership role in clinical trials and clinical investigation.
    4. Leadership role in TUSM research, hospital/health-care system and national/international research committees.
    5. Leadership role in regional or national professional societies, program committees, and specialty governing boards.

Clinician Educator, Professor

  1. Service as Associate Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of outstanding performance in teaching and clinical service. Appointment or promotion with less than five years in rank as Associate Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement. This rank is reserved for distinguished members of the faculty in recognition of distinctive achievement.
  2. Outstanding contributions to teaching as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Ongoing recognition as an outstanding teacher of students, residents, fellows, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by outstanding teacher awards, election to faculty AOA, and formal evaluations by trainees at all levels. Impact of teaching may also be recognized by the professional achievement and stature of former students and trainees.
    2. Outside recognition of teaching excellence as demonstrated by regional and national/international invited lectures, named lectureships and awards, visiting professorships, and by teaching in specialty societies and national continuing medical education courses.
    3. Leadership role in a major teaching or clinical training program.
    4. Ongoing, leadership role in development and major participation in departmental or institutional courses or educational programs, curricular offerings, and original teaching materials.
    5. Leadership role in curriculum committee or other education-related committees.
    6. Leadership role in the development of educational policy at the local or national level.
    7. Well-recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  3. Outstanding contributions to Administrative Service
    1. Leadership in major administrative roles, e.g., Associate Deans for…
    2. Leadership on major committees in TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees, e.g., Curriculum Committee, IRB, Pharmacy and Therapeutics
  4. Outstanding contributions to clinical service as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Recognition by peers and patients as a premier clinician/consultant, distinguishable from the majority of other clinicians.
    2. Regional and national/international reputation for clinical skills. May participate in development of national standards for patient care.
    3. A regional or national referral base.
    4. Development of nationally recognized clinical skills or programs and introduction of innovative approaches to patient care.
  5. Advanced professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Publication of original investigations, clinical observations, reviews, chapters, or books, membership in editorial boards, and editorship of textbooks or journals.
    2. Leadership role in clinical trials and clinical investigation.
    3. Leadership role in clinical department or hospital/health-care system.
    4. Leadership role in regional or national professional societies, program committees, and specialty governing boards.
    5. Leadership role in development of clinical practice guidelines

Clinician Scholar, Professor

Clinician scholars have a mix of the elements delineated below. The profiles of hybrid candidates, while having many of the elements of the more circumscribed prototypes, may not have the same degree of development of any particular element. When viewed in aggregate, however, the level of achievement of these faculty will be on a par with the prototypes provided in tables 4 and 5 above.

  1. Service as Associate Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of excellence in clinical investigation, education, and administrative or clinical service. Appointment or promotion with less than five years in rank as Associate Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement. This rank is reserved for distinguished members of the faculty in recognition of distinctive achievement.
  2. Outstanding contributions to investigation as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Exceptional record of ongoing clinical or perhaps innovative laboratory investigation, as evidenced by publications in peer-reviewed journals. Leadership role in the creation or dissemination and implementation of major and innovative research or clinical ideas. Substantial and definable contributions as a member of a research team will be considered.
    2. Outside recognition as an original, outstanding investigator of national/international stature as demonstrated by a record of external funding, national/international invited lectures, leadership role in symposia and professional society programs, formal and prestigious awards and prizes, membership in advisory groups, and election to prestigious scientific or professional societies.
    3. A significant role in a major research training program.
    4. Well-recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  3. Outstanding contributions to education as evidenced by most of the following
    1. Ongoing recognition as an outstanding teacher of students, residents, fellows, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by outstanding teacher awards, election to faculty AOA, and formal evaluations by trainees at all levels. Impact of teaching may also be recognized by the professional achievement and stature of former students and trainees.
    2. Outside recognition of teaching excellence as demonstrated by regional and national/international invited lectures, named lectureships and awards, visiting professorships, and by teaching in specialty societies and national continuing medical education courses.
    3. Major role in a major teaching or clinical training program.
    4. Ongoing, leadership role in development and major participation in departmental or institutional courses or educational programs, curricular offerings, and original teaching materials.
    5. Leadership role in curriculum committee or other education-related committees.
    6. Leadership role in the development of educational policy at the local or national level.
    7. Well-recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  4. Outstanding contributions to clinical service as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Recognition by peers and patients as a premier clinician/consultant, distinguishable from the majority of other clinicians.
    2. Regional and national/international reputation for clinical skills. May participate in development of national standards for patient care.
    3. A regional or national referral base.
    4. Development of nationally recognized clinical skills or programs and introduction of innovative approaches to patient care.
    5. Recognition by peers and patients as a premier clinician/consultant, distinguishable from the majority of other clinicians.
    6. Regional and national/international reputation for clinical skills. May participate in development of national standards for patient care.
    7. A regional or national referral base.
    8. Development of nationally recognized clinical skills or programs and introduction of innovative approaches to patient care including a leadership role in development of clinical practice guidelines.
  5. Noteworthy contributions to administrative needs of the Medical School of an affiliated hospital as evidenced by:
    1. Service in major administrative roles, e.g., Associate Deans, Associate Program Directors, etc.
    2. Leadership role on major committees in TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees., e.g., Curriculum Committee, IRB, Pharmacy and Therapeutics.
  6. Advanced professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Membership in editorial boards and scientific or professional societies, and editorship of textbooks or journals.
    2. Major role in clinical department or hospital/health-care system.
    3. Major role
    4. Major role in regional or national professional societies, program committees, and specialty governing boards.
    5. Publication of original investigations, clinical observations, reviews, chapters, or books, Membership in editorial boards, and editorship of textbooks or journals.
    6. G-Major role in clinical trials and clinical investigation.

Clinician Investigator, Professor

  1. Service as Associate Professor at TUSM or equivalent institution for at least five years with a consistent record of outstanding performance in laboratory or clinical investigation and outstanding contributions to clinical service, administrative service and/or teaching. Appointment or promotion with less than five years in rank as Associate Professor will be considered only in cases of exceptional achievement. This rank is reserved for distinguished members of the faculty in recognition of distinctive achievement.
  2. Outstanding contributions to investigation as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Exceptional record of generation of new knowledge as demonstrated by publication of original, outstanding, and innovative laboratory or clinical investigations in peer-reviewed journals. Leadership role in the creation of major and innovative research ideas.
    2. Outside recognition as an original, outstanding investigator of national/international stature as demonstrated by a strong record of external funding of investigator-initiated research projects, national/international invited lectures, leadership role in symposia and professional society programs, formal and prestigious awards and prizes, membership is study sections and advisory groups, and election to prestigious scientific or professional societies.
    3. Key role in a major research training program. Impact of research training may be recognized by the professional achievement and stature of former students and trainees.
    4. Well-recognized role model and mentor for students and trainees.
  3. Outstanding contributions to clinical service or teaching as evidenced by most of the following:
  4. Clinical service
    1. Recognition by peers and patients as a premier clinician/consultant, distinguishable from the majority of other clinicians.
    2. Regional and national/international reputation for clinical skills. May participate in development of national standards for patient care.
    3. A regional or national referral base.
    4. Development of nationally recognized clinical skills or programs and introduction of innovative approaches to patient care.
    5. Leadership role in development of clinical practice guidelines
  5. Administrative Service
    1. Leadership in major administrative roles, .eg., Associate Deans for ….
    2. Leadership on major committees, e.g., Curriculum Committee
  6. Teaching
    1. Ongoing recognition as an effective teacher of students, residents, fellows, or continuing medical education participants. This may be documented by outstanding teacher awards and formal evaluations by trainees at all levels.
    2. Outside recognition as an effective teacher as demonstrated by invited lectures, and by teaching in symposia, professional society programs, and continuing medical education courses.
    3. Substantive role in a major teaching or clinical training program.
  7. Advanced professional recognition as evidenced by most of the following:
    1. Membership in editorial boards and scientific or professional societies, and editorship of textbooks or journals.
    2. Leadership role in clinical department or hospital/health-care system.
    3. Leadership role in TUSM, hospital/health-care system, or medical staff committees.
    4. Leadership role in regional or national professional societies, program committees, and specialty governing boards.