Academy Associate Educators are active, interprofessional teachers within MaineHealth and its educational partners.

To join the academy as an Associate Educator, candidates must submit a current CV, a cover letter including a statement of current teaching activities, and one letter of recommendation from a learner, mentor, or a member of the Academy or academic leadership.

Academy Associate Educators have a 5-year renewal term and should be working towards academic promotion from their current rank during their term. One Associate Educator is elected to the Academy executive committee and serves for 2 years. Upon joining, an Academy Fellow or Master Educator will meet with the Associate Educator to help with a plan for continued academic advancement to include obtaining an academic appointment if one is not already held.  As part of the expectations for an Associate, they will develop a teaching portfolio, which contains current and past teaching activities and materials.

Academy Associate Educators

  • Dina J. McKelvy, MA, MLS, Library & Knowledge Services
  • Isaac Stickney, MEd, CGS, Medical Education
  • John Kwock, MD, Anesthesiology