BBCH Scholars Academy Application Form
The MaineHealth Children’s Health Service Line and The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital are pleased to host a system-wide interprofessional Scholars Academy. Individuals of any role are encouraged to apply. Applicants’ work must serve children at MaineHealth member or affiliated institution. We welcome and encourage collaborative projects, but please designate one or two leaders of your group to apply for membership.
Competitive applications will:
- Propose a project that is well-designed and feasible
- Propose a project that aligns with one or more of our priority areas
- care team wellbeing
- care team training & support
- care coordination & connections
- patient care – inpatient and/or outpatient
- community & environmental health
- Demonstrate expertise in the area of your proposed project
- Involve interdisciplinary members of a study team or collaborations with organizations outside of MaineHealth
- Involve mentorship of trainees (residents, medical students, nursing students, PhD student, etc.)