The MaineHealth Children’s Health Service Line and The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital are pleased to host a system-wide interprofessional Scholars Academy. The mission of the BBCH SA is to support the academic career success of people who work with or on behalf of children at MaineHealth member and affiliated institutions. We will work together to advance each member’s excellence in clinical, basic science and health services research; quality improvement projects; rigorous advocacy projects; and innovations in teaching.
Individuals of any role are encouraged to apply. Applicants’ work must serve children at MaineHealth member or affiliated institution. We welcome and encourage collaborative scholarly projects, but please designate one or two leaders of your group to apply for membership.
Benefits of Membership in the Scholarship Academy:
- Participation in a community of practice for health professionals dedicated to improving the health of children through scholarship
- Preferential support from the BBCH Scholars Academy leadership team
- Eligibility to apply for BBCH Scholars Academy Funding to support your scholarly activity
- Eligibility to apply for the Faculty Resident Scholarship Program (FRSP), which provides 0.1 FTE of protected time for a scholarly project in collaboration with a resident
Expectations of Membership:
- Attend quarterly meetings with BBCH Scholarship Academy leadership to report on progress and troubleshoot any issues that arise
- Demonstrate progress on your scholarship projects
- Attend Work-in-Progress seminars, Special Interest Group meetings, and BBCH SA-sponsored Lunch and Learns, as appropriate to scholarship project and goals
- Produce published or public work (abstract, manuscript, poster, editorial, testimony or presentation) within 2 years of membership
Active membership will be reviewed annually and support will continue as long as progress is being made on projects and support is needed.
Application Deadlines
Our next application cycle will be spring 2025.
Application deadline is February 7, 2025 at 5pm
Application Guidance
Competitive applications will:
- Propose a project that is well-designed and feasible
- Propose a project that aligns with one or more of our priority areas
- care team wellbeing
- care team training & support
- care coordination & connections
- patient care – inpatient and/or outpatient
- community & environmental health
- Demonstrate expertise in the area of your proposed project
- Involve interdisciplinary members of a study team or collaborations with organizations outside of MaineHealth
- Involve mentorship of trainees (residents, medical students, nursing students, PhD student, etc.)
BBCH Scholars Academy Application Checklist
Please direct questions and email the following application materials to by the deadline noted above.
- A completed BBCH Scholars Academy Application (Word format)
- A curriculum vitae for each applicant (Pdf format): Please follow the Tufts-Formatted CV template available on the Maine Medical Center Institute for Teaching Excellence Academic Promotion Resources Page
- A letter of support from your division chief or an explanation of why this requirement has been waived for each applicant (Pdf format)
BBCH Scholars Academy Application
Page Limit: 2 pages single spaced, 11 point font
Applicant Information
Applicant Name:
Preferred contact email address(es):
Proposed BBCH SA-Supported Project Name:
Category of Proposed Project* as you see it right now (You may select more than one that apply as project may cross a few categories):
- ☐ Scholarship of discovery (Original research that advances knowledge)
- ☐ Scholarship of integration (Synthesis of information across disciplines, across topics within a discipline, or across time: Quality Improvement, Program Evaluation., etc.)
- ☐ Scholarship of application (Implementation Science, Health Services Research, Advocacy, etc.)
- ☐ Scholarship of teaching (Curriculum Development, Educational Research, etc.)
*Adapted from Glassick, C. E. (2000). Boyer’s expanded definitions of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship, and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching. Academic Medicine, 75(9), 877-880.
BBCH Scholarship Academy Application
- Applicant Affiliation(s) and Role(s): Please describe your role in support of children’s health at a MaineHealth member or affiliate organization.
- Personal Statement: Please describe why you wish to join the BBCH SA.
- Project description: Please describe the proposed design of your project including: background/what is already known from prior research, specific aim(s)/goals, and if/how patients and families will be involved in the project design and/or implementation.
- Project Approach: Please describe the methods you will use to accomplish the project aims/goals. Be as detailed as possible.
- Resources and Services Needed: Please identify all of the below that you anticipate needing help with to implement and evaluate your project.
- ☐ Project Design and Methods
☐ Institutional Review Board Submission/Navigation
☐ Data Management (REDCap)
☐ Data Analysis (R studio, analyst support)
☐ Analytic Methods
☐ Special Interest Groups:
☐ Equity and Access
☐ Simulation
☐ Quality Improvement
☐ Poster/Oral Presentation preparation
☐ Manuscript writing and publication support
☐ Other: ____________________++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Please email with any questions about the BBCH SA program or application process.