7th Annual Faculty Development Conference
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Dana Center at Maine Medical Center
***Register for the Conference at MMC Cloud-CME***
Instructions to Register
7:30- 8:00 AM | Breakfast and Registration | Dana Lobby |
8:00- 9:00 AM
Plenary Lecture
Outcomes-based Continuous Professional Development Eric Holmboe, MD, MACP, FRCP Senior Vice President, Milestone Development and Evaluation, ACGME |
Dana Auditorium |
9:00- 9:15 AM | Break – Transition to Workshops | |
9:15- 10:15 AM |
WorkshopsFailure CV Kathleen Fairfield, MD, MPH, DrPH & Frank Chessa, PhD Setting Goals and Expectations* Bob Trowbridge, MD Improving Trainee’s Satisfaction with Evaluations Eric Holmboe, MD, MACP, FRCP Senior Vice President, Milestone Development and Evaluation, ACGME
Dana Room #9
Dana Room #2
Dana Room #1 |
10:15 – 11:45 AM | PechaKucha Presentations:
PechaKucha comes from the Japanese term for “conversation” or “chit chat.” These are brief presentations with 20 slides proceeding automatically at a pace of 20 seconds each (i.e., the total presentation time is 6 minutes, 40 seconds). Some PechaKucha hosts even have a gong if the presenter goes over their time! These short, concise presentations are being used more in medical meetings nationwide. We are excited to bring them to our 6th Annual Faculty Development Conference.
Annabelle Rae C Norwood, MD Geriatric Medicine
Ross N Isacke, DO Internal Medicine
Christopher G Turner, MD Pediatric Surgery
Kathryn M Brouillette, MD Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Eliza R Bullis, MD Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Tamara Palka, MD Psychiatry |
Dana Auditorium |
12:30 – 1:00 PM | Lunch and Posters (provided) | Dana Lobby |
1:00 – 2:00 PM |
WorkshopsBias in Teaching Sue Rose, MPH, Lesley Gordon, MD, MS & Sam Wood, MD Setting Goals and Expectations* Bob Trowbridge, MD Failure CV Kathleen Fairfield, MD, MPH, DrPH & Frank Chessa, PhD Clinical Competency Committee: Best Practices Eric Holmboe, MD, MACP, FRCP Senior Vice President, Milestone Development and Evaluation, ACGME |
Dana Room #2
Dana Room #1
Dana Room #4
Dana Room # 5 |
2:00 – 3:00 PM |
PresentationHow Do We Locally, and Nationally, Advance Time-Variable, Competency-based Education? Eric Holmboe, MD, MACP, FRCP |
Dana Auditorium |
*This workshops can be counted towards completion of the MMC Institute for Teaching Excellence (MITE) General Teaching Certificate program (http://www.mitemainehealth.org/mite/certificates/clinical-teaching-certificate)
Keynote Speaker

Dr. Holmboe is Senior Vice President, Milestones Development and Evaluation. He is also Professor Adjunct of Medicine at Yale University, Adjunct Professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and Adjunct Professor at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
He served as the Associate Program Director, Yale Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program, and as the Director of Student Clinical Assessment, Yale School of Medicine. Before joining Yale in 2000, he served as Division Chief of General Internal Medicine at the National Naval Medical Center. He also previously served as a medical student clerkship director and residency training officer at the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center. Dr. Holmboe retired from the US Naval Reserves in 2005.
His research interests include interventions to improve quality of care and methods in the evaluation of clinical competence. His professional memberships include the American College of Physicians, where he is a Fellow, the Society of General Internal Medicine, and the Association of Medical Education in Europe. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in London and an Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators.
Dr. Holmboe is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College and the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He completed his residency and chief residency at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and was a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar at Yale University.