Educational Innovations Grants Program
Cycle IV
Post-Acute Care Physician House Calls in Graduate Medical Education: Enriching the Resident and Patient Experience through a Care Transitions Curriculum
Awarded to: Eliza Bullis, MD & Robert Anderson, MD
Maine Medical Center, Internal Medicine
This project will use the house call as a vehicle for teaching transitions of care principles. An important outcome of the study will be a descriptive analysis outlining the creation of this novel interdisciplinary project . Individualized one-on-one faculty resident teaching will be used to teach the residents about transitions of care principles as well as approaches to common geriatric issues such as falls, mobility and cognitive evaluation. Result will lead to the development of a larger and sustainable interdepartmental program at Maine Medical Center.
Developing a Hybrid Virtual and In-Person Cultural Humility, Social Justice and Health Equity Curriculum for Maine Medical Center House Staff
Awarded to: Erin Belfort, MD
Maine Medical Center, Dept. of Psychiatry
This project aims to gather stakeholder input about Cultural Humility, Social Justice and Health Equity training needs and to identify multidisciplinary collaborators to fine tune an existing nine part didactic series in Cultural Competency developed for the child and adolescent psychiatry fellows. The project will be innovative in the delivery of this material with a variety of methods and formats to better engage different adult learning styles and to accommodate varied training needs and varied time availability across programs.
Developing an Interprofessional Curriculum for Training Cancer-focused Hospitalists
Awarded to: Daniel Meyer, MD, Michael Roy, MD, Deborah Linscott, BSN, RN, MS, Renee Fallon, PharmD, DLPA, & Scot Remick, MD
Maine Medical Center
This project aims to develop a highly interactive, Interprofessional educational training curriculum. The project itself is cross-disciplinary, bringing together experts from hospital medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and medical oncology. The hypothesis–driven curriculum will capitalized on training and learning modalities such as “north-south” training, case-based modules, and simulation.
Wellness in Teaching: a dynamic educational intervention to improve faculty performance
Awarded to: Sarah Hallen, MD & Gina Terenzi, DMD
Maine Medical Center & Tufts University School of Medicine
Residents in Nursing Homes (NF) are less likely to access oral health maintenance systems due to advanced disease and comorbidities than older adults in the community. Frequently, NF patients are also incapable of performing their own oral care independently and have poor dental hygiene which can lead to disease and complications.
There are clear connections between the quality of oral health and overall health, however physicians and professional allied programs do not receive oral health training in either medical school, residency training or in continuing education. The purpose of this project is to offer a “train-the-trainer” educational and instructional resource for geriatric health care providers to instruct them on how to assess oral health conditions within the NF population. With this education, the intent is that we may detect and minimize potential complications for patients residing in NF and improve their health overall.