BBCH Scholars Academy Funding
BBCH Scholars Academy funds are available to all current BBCH SA members to further the goals of their Academy-supported scholarship projects.
Examples of eligible activities include: transcription services, specialized training, a software package, abstract submission fee or registration to a conference.
The maximum amount of funds available through the BBCH SA per Academy-supported project is $3,000.
Funding requests will be reviewed by members of the BBCH SA Steering Committee on a rolling basis with final approval by consensus of the Steering Committee.
Successful funding applications will include the following elements:
- Project design is well-reasoned with appropriate anticipated outcomes and measures.
- Project clearly addresses an important priority in children’s health.
- Project approach is innovative and includes appropriate partners.
- Requested funding will contribute to the success of the project and further the applicant’s career goals.
All approved requests will be distributed to members contingent upon Maine Medical Center/MaineHealth Institutional Review Board approval.
It is recommended that you email a BBCH Scholars Academy Coordinator at your funding request ideas before completing the request form.