How often and when will we meet?

A defined curriculum has been developed as well as elective opportunities. We anticipate meeting as a group of scholars twice a month from September to May. The scholars meet roughly every other Thursday for two hours each session.

Who are the faculty?

Faculty of the program will include course directors and department leaders from various departments, Chiefs, MaineHealth leaders, and educational leaders from affiliated institutions. Several outside experts are invited every year.

What is the curriculum?

The curriculum is designed to encompass current topics in health professions education that will support Academy scholars in further development of their professional career development, teaching, and scholarly activity. Specific curriculum topics include workshops on teaching skills, assessment and providing feedback, how to disseminate your work, education theory, and others.

How will I be guided throughout this program?

At the start of the program, the program directors will meet with Academy scholars and their project mentors to define areas of interest and to begin to develop an individualized educational plan. We encourage each scholar to create an educational portfolio over the 2 years.

What benefits do Academy scholars receive by participating in this program?

Being an Academy scholar is a great opportunity to dedicate time to professional development in healthcare professions education. The expectation is to develop knowledge and skills in education and leadership. Support of 5% FTE will be provided [at a non-specialty-specific rate]; this translates into roughly 100 hours/year. Rural faculty will have mileage reimbursed. Continuing education credit will be provided as well as a certificate of completion.

Academy scholars will be joining a community of healthcare professions educators, and participation affords close collaboration with members of various departments and professions. The program is a great opportunity to establish a solid foundation in healthcare professions education and the academic community.

Who is eligible to apply?

Academy scholars will include educators from all disciplines, and will be from MaineHealth and its affiliated institutions as well as affiliated teaching sites. All scholars must have a current role in the continuum of health professions education and an interest in furthering their knowledge and skills in education.

What is the application process?

The application process consists of completing a formal electronic application available online. The application asks you to provide your reasons for wanting to become a scholar as well as to provide the topic of your proposed scholarly project and name of your mentor. Applications are due mid-March of each calendar year. Selected scholars are notified by mid-April.

The application includes a Scholarly Project. What type of project should I pursue?

Scholarly projects should involve subjects that fall within the health professions education continuum. Please see our Scholarly Projects tab for more information and examples of past scholar projects.

A project mentor is required on the application, who should I ask to be my project mentor?

The Scholar program will provide you with the opportunity to work with your peers and you will have an opportunity for mentoring in many areas of interest. However, it is important for you to have a project mentor. Ideally, there is a colleague that shares your passion for improving healthcare professions education related to your topic area and who would like to serve as your project mentor.

If you are having trouble identifying a mentor, please do not hesitate to contact the program directors, Kathleen Fairfield, MD, MPH, DrPH and Linda Chaudron, MD, MS.