Design Thinking

January MITE Article – Design Thinking Stephen Tyzik Director of Performance Improvement MMC & MMP   Learning Objectives 1) Define design thinking and its 5 phases 2) Articulate the need for design thinking in Healthcare 3) Outline a design thinking implementation plan Over a decade ago Donald Berwick, MD (President…


Prioritization Methods: Which QI Project Solution Ideas Should We Tackle First?

December 2020 PSQI Hot Topic Prioritization Methods: Which QI Project Solution Ideas Should We Tackle First? Lauren Atkinson, MPH, CST Improvement Specialist Supervisor Maine Medical Partners   Learning Objectives: Describe when to use a project prioritization tool. Understand how to set up and facilitate use of an impact/effort matrix with…


November Faculty Development Tip: Tips on Clinical Teaching and Precepting Using Telehealth

MITE Tip November, 2020 Tips on clinical teaching and precepting using telehealth Ruth Frydman, M.D. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S., there has been an abrupt and substantial shift to providing health care through telehealth. Staff, learners, and patients have been learning to adjust to using…


Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Understanding Variation

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Understanding Variation Mark Parker, MD Vice President, Quality and Safety Maine Medical Center November, 2020 Learning Objectives: 1. Recognize the features of a stable system 2. Differentiate common cause from special cause variation David Robert Jones, a.k.a. David Bowie (c.1947-2016), and William Edwards Deming (c.1900-1993) had overlapping lifespans although…


October 2020 Faculty Development Tip: How to construct good multiple-choice test questions

MITE Monthly Tip October 2020 Eric Brown, MD How to construct good multiple-choice test questions: Assessment, or testing, is an important aspect of medical teaching and learning. When done well, testing helps learners meet curricular goals while communicating what the teacher views as important. Multiple choice questions (MCQ) remain a…


Integration of Toyota Principles in Healthcare for Quality Improvement

Integration of Toyota Principles in Healthcare for Quality Improvement Vijayakrishnan Poondi Srinivasan, MS, LSSBB Quality Management Engineer Maine Medical Center Learning Objectives: State the Principles of Toyota Production System Describe the need for application of Toyota Principles in Healthcare Explain the integration of Toyota Principles with key elements of Healthcare…


September 2020 Faculty Development Tip: Improving Education Skills in Virtual Small Group Learning

MITE Monthly Tip – Improving Education Skills in Virtual Small Group Learning Thomas Q. Reynolds, DO Medical education experts have been studying the effects of both virtual learning and small group learning for many years.  Evidence suggests that virtual learning is as effective as traditional learning across multiple different types…



Storyboard Sonja Orff RN, MS, CNL, CSCT Maine Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Operative and Perioperative Services   Learning Objectives: Describe the purpose of a storyboard Summarize the utilization of a storyboard as a quality improvement tool Synthetize the key elements of a storyboard What is a Storyboard?   A…


Pareto Chart

Pareto Chart Alan P. Picarillo, MD Maine Neonatology Associates & the Maine Medical Center Department of Pediatrics. Objectives: 1.  Describe the Pareto principle 2.  State the graphical representation of the Pareto chart As physicians continue to look for ways to deliver high quality care to their patients and families, newer…