June 2020 Faculty Development Tip: The Benefits of Utilizing Twitter During a Global Pandemic and Beyond

The Benefits of Utilizing Twitter During a Global Pandemic and Beyond Jillian Gregory, DO Information regarding the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has saturated all media platforms in recent months, providing an overwhelming and often anecdotal account of personal experiences. It can be difficult to sort through the abundance of…


April 2020 Faculty Development Tip: Trauma-Informed Approach in Medical Education Settings

Trauma-Informed Approach in Medical Education Settings Ruth Frydman, M.D. Psychological trauma is common. In the United States, 61 percent of men and 51 percent of women report exposure to at least one lifetime traumatic event, and 90 percent of clients in public behavioral health care settings have experienced trauma. 1SAMHSA…


March 2020 Faculty Development: Tips for using learning theory to craft an effective PowerPoint presentation

Tips for using learning theory to craft an effective PowerPoint presentation Eric Brown MD March 2020 We have all endured slide-based lectures that left us yawning or scratching our heads in confusion. Presentations with too many slides, too busy slides, or hard to see fonts and diagrams are common in…


February 2020 Faculty Development-Teaching Emotional Resilience in Difficult Clinical Experiences

MITE Monthly Tip – Teaching Emotional Resilience in Difficult Clinical Experiences  Thomas Reynolds, DO Burnout is a common problem amongst medical professionals and trainees.  Medical education experts have been studying this problem and developing curricula to help teach faculty, residents, and students about promoting resilience and preventing burnout after a…


January 2020 Faculty Development: How do Advanced Practice Providers fit into IPE at academic medical centers?

How do Advanced Practice Providers fit into IPE at academic medical centers? Angela Leclerc, PA-C Does your service have one or more Advanced Practice Providers (APPs)?  Chances are you do, or you will!  Originally conceived in the 1960s to assist with the primary care shortage, APPs can be found in…


December 2019 Faculty Development: “I heard it in a podcast” How to navigate learners’ use of non-traditional learning platforms

Jason Hine, MD “I heard it in a podcast” How to navigate learners’ use of non-traditional learning platforms   It is no secret that non-traditional learning platforms such as blogs and podcasts are becoming more popular among learners. This article will help guide you with a 3-step approach to the…


November 2019 Faculty Development: Case in Point: How to Write an Effective Case Report or Series

Case in Point: How to Write an Effective Case Report or Series William J. Sauer, M.D. Case reports continue to play a critical role in the advancement of medicine, particularly with regard to new disease entities (e.g. AIDS and Kaposi Sarcoma), adverse reactions (e.g. thalidomide associated birth defects), as well…


Tips for Being a Mentee

Tips for Being a Mentee Rebecca Hutchinson, MD Many of us have benefited from excellent mentors who have given their time, expertise and guidance to help us develop to our fullest potential.  Please see earlier MITE tip (link here to July 2018 MITE tip) on characteristics of great mentors, which…


Electronic Communication with Patients

Electronic Communication with Patients Annabelle Rae C. Norwood, MD Electronic communication has now become a routine part of clinical practice. A lot of non-urgent communication with patients and their providers now occur through on-line channels such as secure messaging and e-mails.  In particular, MaineHealth is highly encouraging patients to sign-up…


Mastering Millennial Mentoring

MITE Monthly Tip: April 2019-Angela M.  Leclerc, PA-C Mastering Millennial Mentoring Generation gaps between teacher and learner are encountered every 10-20 years. Generations are shaped by unique historical circumstances.  Currently, millennials make up approximately 25 % of our workforce and this will increase to 40% and 75% of the workforce…